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WordPress the_excerpt Plugin

2 minute read

Recently, I was looking for a solution for extracting post text by defining the length of the string. WordPress offers two useful functions:

mySQL: Error 1045

less than 1 minute read

If you get this error (in phpMyAdmin or other operation) after setting up a MySQL password:

VirtualHost browser cache

less than 1 minute read

Setting up a virtual host on PC, Mac or Linux isn’t difficult, but the browser cache problem drives me crazy. Apart from editing the /etc/hosts mappings and ...

Leopard system environment PATH setting

1 minute read

Leopard PATH setting is quite different from Tiger. Configuring PATH on Tiger, we used to either modify the /etc/path or user path configuration. With Leopar...


less than 1 minute read

一直在忙着工作的事情,清闲下来准备一下毕业项目的资料。特别是代码版本管理的软件,有考虑到CVS, SVN等等,这些大多数是中心服务器结构的管理,最近看到Google工程师开发的Git, 让我感到一阵兴奋。